What happens at a breast screening appointment

This video includes Auslan translation and explains the process of having a breast screen with us.

It covers things like:

  • how to prepare for your appointment
  • how your breasts will be screened
  • what happens after your appointment.

Breast screening can help find cancers at an early stage, giving you more treatment options.

Here at BreastScreen Queensland, we offer free breast screening across the state for women aged 40 plus who haven't noticed any changes in their breasts. A breast screen is most effective for women aged 50 to 74, and we'll send you an invitation every two years when you're in this age group.

When you visit for your appointment, please don't wear talcum powder or deodorant as it can affect your breast screen. We do suggest you wear a separate top and bottom so that your bottom half is covered during screening.

It's helpful if you can arrive 10 minutes early. When you arrive, you'll be welcomed by our friendly receptionist. They will ask you to fill out some forms and check your Medicare card.

Our female radiographer will take you into the screening room and explain what's going to happen. Of course, you can ask her any questions you might have. She will use a special X-ray machine to look for very small cancers that can't be seen or felt by you or your doctor.

You might be concerned that screening will be time consuming or painful, but it's usually

quick and only mildly uncomfortable. You can always ask your radiographer to stop at any time.

She will ask you to remove your top and bra and will position your breast on the machine and apply some pressure for a few seconds to get a clear image. This will then be repeated for the

other breast. She will take four X-rays, two of each breast.

Your breast screen images will be read independently by at least two highly trained and specialist doctors. Most women receive their results within four weeks. If you give us your

doctor's details, we'll send them a copy too.

95 out of 100 women have a normal breast screening result with no breast cancer found. Five out of 100 women need more tests. But if you fall into this group, it doesn't mean you have cancer. It just means that something needs a closer look at our Assessment Clinic.

Your visit will likely take less than 30 minutes, and during that time, our experienced and welcoming staff will take excellent care of you.

So, if you're over 40, take us up on our offer to have a free breast screen. And if you're aged 50 to 74, we'll invite you to keep up to date with your breast screening because early detection gives more treatment options and that makes a big difference.

Book a breast screen today. We have over 260 locations across Queensland, some after hours.

For more information or to make an appointment, visit breastscreen.qld.gov.au or call your local BreastScreen Queensland Service on 13 20 50.

Last updated: June 2024